We encourage you to visit our school.
Physical address
School Road
Bli Bli Queensland 4560
Contact information
Please contact us with any queries.
Principal: Monique Pfingst
Telephone: (07) 5458 2111
Email: admin@blibliss.eq.edu.au
Student absence line
Text: 0418 159 088
Telephone: (07) 5458 2120
Please text or phone by 9.30am on the morning of each absence.
P&C Association
President: Kathy Forgeard
Email: bliblipc@bigpond.com
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
Coordinator: Tracey Achammer
Telephone: 0448 582 130
Email: bliblioshc@bigpond.com
Website: Bli Bli OSHC