Welcome to Bli Bli State School - the heart of the community.
We provide a nurturing and supportive environment for your children where their individual needs are respected and personalised learning approaches allow for each child to have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Bli Bli State School operates under an Enrolment Management Plan, this requires parents or legal guardians who wish to enrol their child at
Bli Bli to demonstrate that the student's place of
residence is within the school's catchment area.
Check your address to ensure you live within the catchment area for Bli Bli State School. Use the enrolment process (PDF, 254KB) to assist your application.
Families living outside of our catchment area are welcome to apply for enrolment at Bli Bli State School in 2023.
We ask that you submit an 'Out of Catchment' Expression of Interest (PDF, 336KB) to the office (in person or via email) to register your intention to enrol.
All children in your family can be added to the same form. Please send the completed form and copies of any documentary evidence you have to support your application to the school’s office. Your application will be dated on receipt, and processed in a timely fashion.
Please follow these simple steps to apply for enrolment at Bli Bli State School:
1. Discover our unique school
Come along to a 'School Tour' (every few weeks during term) and learn more about our school including our mission and values, and the variety of academic, cultural, sporting and social opportunities that will challenge, stimulate and excite your children.
Book your place today!
Do this via this link - https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/k58ns

2. Complete the written application process
Contact our office to request the 'Enrolment and permissions' package.
(This includes our student enrolment form, enrolment agreement, student media consent form, and ICT agreement.)
Separate application forms must be completed for each enrolling child. Please submit these to the office (via email or in person) prior to arranging your interview.
Email: enrol@blibliss.eq.edu.au
3. Attend an enrolment and transition interview
Contact the office to arrange an enrolment interview time with one of our Deputy Principals.
The purpose of this interview is to ensure a smooth transition for your child. We will discuss the details of your enrolment application, answer any questions that you may have and help you organise uniforms, book lists and any fees payable.
You and your child are asked to attend the interview and to bring the following items:
Each child’s birth certificate (original or certified copy).
Current passport and visa for any child born overseas.
Each child’s most recent report card.
Relevant doctor or specialist reports.
Evidence that your principal place of residence is within the school's catchment area.